
We offer Information Platform of Medica Doctors

Te ofrecemos Cloud Computing

Get more information from info@ovirisoft.net

We offer Cloud Computing

We unite Doctors and Patience when travelling may not be necessary


Medical Atention can be needed during Emergency

Today, there are Medical Emergencies all over the world

We offer you a platform upon which your patients can consult you. We store the Medical Records for you.

WE create an instance for every group of Medics..

It is fast. No need to cue. No need to travel. In the comfort of their homes, Doctors and Patients can communicate at convenient times.

Communicate with us through email info@ovirisoft.com.ar

Humanity was not prepared for Medical Emergency like the one we saw recently. We do not know if it will be repeated. Many Doctors do not have the infrastructure for Virtual Medical Attention. We here offer you our platform.

A group of Doctors with different disciplines can share an instance of our system on Cloud Computing

Accessing our Platform:

All Devices with Internet navigators can operate from anywhere in the world.


We will sign convenium with different groups of Doctors. Basically, all Patiens can consult their Clinical Records any time and how many times they wish without extra cost.

For every Patient that consult, we shall bill the resonsible for the platform. On day 10 of every month, we shall send bills. The list will contain the names of Patients and date and time.

For every instance, their are 3 cathegories of Access
1. Administrators y Operators. Have Total Access.
2. The Professionals. Have access to attend the request and the Clinical Records of Patients
3. The Patients. Can only make consultations, see Clincia Records, Indications and Medical Prescriptions.

Medical Consultations are direct but Password is needed to see and print Indications and Prescriptions


The patient can make consultation and add a picture when neccesary. The images can be in jpg or png. After you click to Send, Your Consultation will be stored in a DataBase. the Dcotor will call you by phone.

The Operators will see the message and asign a Doctor to the Patient

The Asigned Medic will get the message and then enter the System to attend to the Consultations..

An Auditor will audit the System after which he closes the reguest

The Patient gets a mail with Code to access the system to see the Indications and Prescription

A small group of Professionals can share an instance.